You know, I’m willing to bet that there are a lot of people who are MORE willing to do an email interview. Less nerves AND you get to think about your answer and word it in a more thoughtful way. I write my thoughts 1000 times better than I speak them. I would be so much more excited to be portrayed through my written thoughts than my sloppy spoken ones. You may be onto something there!

I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I can tell just from the tone of the words in this email that it’s made a world of difference. That so awesome.

Big Magic was written for you. I’m convinced. And I still can’t believe you are just now reading it! Just like the book says, Inspiration just knew you needed to read it now and not one day earlier.

STAY IN BED PLAYLIST?! How have I not known about such a thing? I will check this out immediately.

Happy Sunday! 😘

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Keep going! :)

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