And also, we should watch Elizabethtown together sometime.

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Oh my gosh, we totally should! Yes!

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Whoop whoop! Elizabethtown!

Perfectionism…ugh. I hear ya. The way perfectionism gets me hardest is not doing something because I think someone else could (or does) do it better. The book Big Magic has actually helped me a lot with that monster.

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I have Big Magic, but have yet to read it.

And you and I both! I will often give up on something or feel stupid doing something because other people are doing it better. Like writing. I read romance books that are a million times better than mine, and I constantly ask myself why I'm still doing this because I'll "never" reach that level.

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You haven’t read Big Magic?!?! Stop everything you are doing and put it at the top of your to be read book list. Seriously. It helps answers so many of these types of questions.

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Yes ma'am!!!! On it!

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