I read this post a little while ago and wanted to write back right away, and then waves of busy-ness got in the way, but thank you for this, Crissi. It’s comforting to have company in (speaking of waves) the emotional churn of life and artistry. It’s particularly moving to me given the generous inspiration and support you offer others. Even as I share the churn, I’m cheering you on.
I read this post a little while ago and wanted to write back right away, and then waves of busy-ness got in the way, but thank you for this, Crissi. It’s comforting to have company in (speaking of waves) the emotional churn of life and artistry. It’s particularly moving to me given the generous inspiration and support you offer others. Even as I share the churn, I’m cheering you on.
I'm always so grateful our paths have connected! Much love to you, Amanda!
Bukowski's a sick piece of shit. I like him.